

It’s Not Code So It Must Be Easy

Oh, that part of building software that involves talking to ‘the customer’ and making requirements spreadsheets — that’s not real programming. Show me you can use REST.

So goes the thinking of many developers, some of whom are anxious to skip the perceived tedium of business process exercises and get on to the “real work.” For many, software development’s connection to process analytics resembles the electrical conductivity of paper. One reason developers nurture this belief is that much of their income is derived from revising their own work. Imagine that we paid civil engineers to fix their own errors in bridge design. So give it a REST and start improving requirements traceability.

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Capacity-based Triggers As De Facto Enterprise Rules

Screenshot from Carbonite adHere’s a de facto enterprise rule. It may be an enterprise’s intentional rule, but more often than not, it’s a de facto one.

RULE Customer-perceived rule: If you can’t reach the sales office (Carbonite) you can’t purchase the service.

RULE Enterprise rule: If inbound sales exceeds n calls / hour, push all calls to voice mail.

From an enterprise’s perspective — the seller in this instance — the sales office’s inaccessibility may be unintentionally salutary. It limits customer volume at a time when the enterprise’s infrastructure and staff may be unable to handle the volume. Of course, sales are lost, and customers must question why the sales staff is unavailable during peak daytime periods, but the enterprise rule could serve its purpose, at least as a stopgap measure during an unusual circumstance.

Later facts that came to light about Carbonite (a hosted provider of backup services) suggest that this rule may not be de facto in their case, but nevertheless a capacity-based trigger such as inbound phone sales inquiry volume remains an illustrative use case.

Slider demo pending

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Planning College Visits

Sed iaculis volutpat elit quis sodales. Morbi varius velit leo. Suspendisse luctus placerat adipiscing. Cras vitae tortor justo. Donec velit eros, sodales sed placerat non, laoreet sed lectus. Proin consequat urna pellentesque nisi iaculis faucibus. Nullam vestibulum sagittis interdum. Vestibulum lacinia metus ac ligula mollis porttitor. Curabitur et enim metus. Nulla eu tellus eros, vitae accumsan odio. Maecenas mi ante, bibendum eget blandit eget, euismod sit amet

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